Taking Notes on Online Poker

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If you are just starting out in online poker and are looking for something to do to help you make money at the computer, then taking notes on the online poker sites might be the right choice. I’ve noted for you all the big and small blinds at each table and noted who sits behind what at each table. This way you can see the Tea Lovers at the Poker table and know when they are stealing. Or, if you’re a Fruit machine player, you know when the guy in the Fruit machine corner is hitting a jackpot.

With notes you can also find out what your opponents are doing at the Poker table. Write notes that other players did things, or said things to try and get you to notice them. Did they ask you how you play a hand? Did they comment on you not knowing the Texas Holdem Rules? Or, did they just push all in on aEMrazy Pineapple Poker table full of strangers?

You should always observe the bigger Poker Table before you sit at the table, especially if you are playing no limit Texas Holdem. With notes you can share what you know of the Poker players as well as help others at the table. It’s important to share because you never know who may benefit from your information and you also wouldn’t want to discourage any potential Poker players from using your notes.

Once you have taken notes on one particular player or several players, you can ASK SECRETARY DIANNY WHY does this person act the way they do on the Poker Table. Do they have a habit of getting reckless and playing 9-T kickers? Is there a reason why this person is “so crazy about poker?” Maybe there’s a reason why this person is always calm under pressure.

We, as a community, have a problem with people who think they are super-ners. Yet, when they get a little too familiar with Poker, they think they are being smart and are losing their cool.

You don’t want to be kind of crazy about people who play Poker too seriously and think they know what is going on. You want to reserve your serious respect for people who are making a serious play on a limited bankroll.

Not only should you take notes on the individual players, you should take notes on the game. Does one poker player always raise in the same position? Another seems to always fold in the same position. Is the player always raising with a certain hand? Does the player answer questions with “I don’t know” or “I don’t have an answer”?

It’s OK to watch a live game and make notes on a particular player since it often helps you to identify patterns and a player’s consistent themes. But, later in the game you should still be looking for the dangerous freebies that can be picked up for little to no risk. Once you have a known poker tell, you can pick up free tickets or bonus chips to increase your stack. You don’t want to get sucked into a game you’re not prepared for and lose your stack in a couple of hands.

One of the pitfalls of online poker is the inability to see the players’ faces. But, if you pay for seeing an opponent’s card you can identify certain patterns and responses, such as “usually I fold high cards,” or “I always raise with pocket pairs.” Once you have a known poker tell, you are able to respond to player’s actions with a raise, check, fold or bluff. You may even be able to manipulate them into folding, depending on what cards you have and what your opponents may have.

Reading dominobet tells online can be a very difficult and delicate mix of psychology and common sense. Don’t fall into lopsided betting like someone always plays pocket aces and losers always call with middle suited cards. Instead, make sure you are paying attention to the hands that your opponents are playing. Pay attention to whether a player regularly raises in a pre-flop game, like raising on the button, or raising on the button and playing a marginal game of cards. Even with good basics, there is always room for improvement. When I play, I try to make fewer mistakes than my opponents. I also try to ignore what my opponent has done until the point where I am in the position where I can observe his behavior.

Another place to look for poker tells is the text box used at the end of the game when placing your bets. You will see both the kind of hands your opponents like and the abilities they use when playing, such as quick time decisions or skipping or folding certain hands. You can also observe the time it takes your opponents to decide and place their bets. When a player places a bet it often takes a very short time. As a rule of thumb, if a player takes a long time to decide and make a decision, he is not very good at his poker.